Monday, April 30, 2012


thank goodness!  I never thought running was good for you and still am not sure...but about 5 years ago when I wanted to jump on the OKC Marathon bandwagon with the rest of my family I started running on the flat parts of my walk.  I did relays for a couple of years, then the last two kicked it up a notch with half-marathons.  This year I ran 6.2 (yes, I have to include the point 2) on a relay team due to recuperating from my surgery.  And it felt good.  I felt STRONG.  Thank you, God!

Now for the other marathon stories (and if you stick with me you'll get a real goody at the end)!  This was the first year I ever road the shuttle bus back to the finish line...and I survived.  Pretty much everybody on that bus was in a daze, like me.  But I did find this old friend, Kim!  She doesn't look old at all, though, does she?  Just as cute as ever and her hair isn't even messed up...not fair.  Anyway, our daughters were in elementary school together 15 years ago at Washington Irving!
Then there's this crazy kid... he ran the half-marathon with NO training.  It wasn't planned, another friend's Dad had to bow out due to a back injury and gave him his registration.  Although he has run Cross Country in the past, he did not enroll this year due to the coach expecting too much (in his opinion).  Thankfully he had a good time and didn't suffer any injuries.  But by the look on his face when got into the car, I hope he learned something!
Another cool thing this year was one of our Team OC shirt sponsors is a good friend of ours - they donated in honor of their dad, Tom, who passed away recently.  

And now, what you've all been waiting for...the goody.  Or maybe TMI for some of you!  Let me just say that they should put some porta potties at the shuttle drop off locations!  After running my leg of the relay and recovering somewhat on that bumpy, lurching bus, I needed one fast.  But unfortunately I had to walk several blocks, and you guessed it, lost it about 20 feet away from the door.  I almost made it!!!  So anyway, the rest of the morning waiting for my husband and son to finish the half-marathon, I had to go commando...

Every marathon has a special story!


Amy said...

Ha! I love it! Congratulations! Very impressed. 6.2 is a loooooong way!

Unknown said...

Great stories! Great job!

Summer said...

That's hysterical. I'll have to tell you my "very personal" running story sometime. It WILL NEVER be in writing, though. Trust me.

Michelle said...

I'm surprised they don't have them at drop off spots.....I'm sure no one would've known if you hadn't put it on your blog. My goal is to run the half next year, however, training with three kids during basketball season probably won't be real easy, unless I can force myself to run before they wake up....

Gena said...

Oh thank you for giving us TMI. I love it.