Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Easter eggs in December!  There's a lovely couple in our Bible class that regularly shares eggs from their henhouse with everyone in class.  I picked these up Sunday!  Aren't they beautiful?  Organic, too.  I'm sure they could start a business but they choose to give.

Here's something else I want to share with you.  I listened to some of her album for a long time yesterday.  A beautiful song written by a beautiful girl.  She's a year older than my daughter.  Her mother passed away from cancer a few years ago, and had taught college math with my Dad.  She's poured her soul into this music.  Enjoy.


Amy said...

Love the eggs. My Dad has always had chickens and we ate organic eggs all our lives. They were all colors like the ones you have shown. The yolks are SO yellow. Loved those eggs. About to listen to the music. Praying your day is a blessed and wonderful one!

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Correction: Brianna's mother was primarily a biology teacher. But I think she may have occasionally taught a math class. I know the math and science teachers offices were in the same hallway.

The 5 Arbuckle's said...

We've enjoyed some of those eggs also.

Unknown said...

Beautiful - eggs and song!

Gena said...

That sweet girl is beautiful inside and out.