Thursday, January 29, 2015


Resting was my goal for January.  I met my goal!  Woohoo!!!  Now that we are approaching the end of January, I am getting a little panicked.  Time to get back in the game, start eating right again, figure out the goals for this year, get my REAR IN GEAR as my mother would say.  Oh, I need some motivation!

But I'm a little overwhelmed and not sure why... well I know one reason why...a few months back I visited with the leaders of the women's committee at church and we decided to have a Brainstorming session.  So we just had the meeting a week ago, and little did we know we would come out of that meeting with about 70 ideas!  Many are similar and overlap, but now I face the task of helping them decide which ones to try to implement this year!  I'm a people pleaser so you can see why this might be too much!

Can we please just fast forward to March???  Spring Break anyone?

During this month I did decide one goal for this year.  I want to be more IN THE MOMENT.  It's something I have been thinking about and even preaching to my family at times.  Might sound strange to you but to me, the planner, it's something I have to work at...It's time I relaxed a little and enjoyed my place here in life, my husband, my kids when they are home, times of worship, times of prayer, beautiful weather, bad weather, you name it.  And very contradictory to "accomplishing the goal mindset" I so desperately think I need back.  I think I need to look hard at my goals, pare them down to just a few (forget that 70 ideas!) and be CONTENT.  Then I can be more in the moment!  I think I have a plan...

In Bible study today a verse was brought up as we studied what some say is the hardest book in the Bible - Mark 13.  The big controversy was the way some of the questions are worded (questions written by humans) and is Jesus really talking about the destruction of Jerusalem or the destruction of the earth and his return?  Scholars are divided and it's hard to know for sure.  The one thing we decided is that some of the minute details are not that important, but what is important is that we WATCH as Jesus said.

What is important is how we live until that day comes.  I love this verse:

Thanks to all my blog buddies for hanging in there this last month
through all the wedding posts and my randomness today!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You definitely needed the rest! I know that your women's ministry ideas will all work out and you'll be a blessing to those who are involved in all that is decided.