Friday, July 27, 2012


For the last several days, I've been feeling sad.  Sad, mad, disgusted, maybe almost depressed!  One particular sin had been screaming out at me everywhere I looked:
My morning newspaper - I scan over much of the bad news and look for good articles, focusing on the death of a famous woman astronaut.  Only to find out at the end she is gay.  (Not going to try to be politically correct today!)

Same day, scrolling through facebook - boom!  A guy I know from highschool has lost his "partner" to Aids and has written a tearful goodbye with lots of pictures for all to see, just flaunting it.  Too much information!

Finally, before my head hits the pillow, I wonder about a young person who has chosen this lifestyle.  I did it again - checked facebook - only to be once again saddened and disappointed.  Couldn't sleep!

What does this say about me?  That I'm sinless?  Certainly not.  But sin gets us all down and it's repercussions are many.  But also it says to me - only took me a few days to realize this - AGAIN - that I'm guilty.  Guilty of spending my time, too much of my time, filling my head with garbage.  Unnecessary news, facebook junk,  yes, I'm guilty.  And the only way out: to fill it up with the good stuff.  God's Word, praise songs, prayers of thankfulness.

 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Phillipians 4:8

1 comment:

Lori said...

Yes, that stuff can sure get us down in a hurry! And, yes, we're all guilty of sin. I was thinking about this and have a blog title/idea ready regarding this. I think the problem is that when we know about this particular sin, it is a "continuing in" sin and becoming more and more common and accepted by people. It's so out in the open and yes, depressing. But, you're right, we mustn't focus on it.....just press on.....and dwell on what is good and be the shining lights of Jesus. But we can't ignore it, either.