Monday, February 27, 2012


It's not just for Thanksgiving anymore!  The other day in my devotional book there were some simple thoughts to remind me of the positive effects of expressing thanks.  Not how it affects God or others, but yourself:

Grateful Heart
Protects You
Negative Thinking

Simple but oh, so true!

  I Thess. 5:18  In everything give thanks for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

Give thanks
with a grateful heart
Give thanks
to the Holy One
Give thanks
Because he's given 
Jesus Christ
His son

And now
let the weak say
I am strong
let the poor say
I am rich
Because of what 
the Lord has done
For us!

There's something about being the mother of almost adult children that is reassuring to me.  My job is almost complete and they seem to be turning out okay.  (huge sigh)  It's something to be thankful for.  There is also a contentment in being married almost 29 years!  My husband and I know each other so well and yes, we still fuss at each other, but there is a comfortable commitment there that I am thankful for.  I've had more time for Bible study the last 5 years and there is an assurance of my relationship with the Father. My body may be weaker, but my spirit is stronger.  I think what I'm saying is being 47 years old is pretty awesome.  

 These are things that my heart is grateful for. :)


Alyssa said...

Yay! This is a great post! And something to read during the tough days that I don't get a shower, kids are cranky, no one likes what I made for dinner, etc.

Unknown said...

Great post! Great examples of growth and maturity, too.

Gena said...

Yes. My worst possible day would be an absolute dream to others. I try to keep that in mind when I'm down. I could have been born a woman in another part of the world and and have zero choices over my own life. So grateful.

Amy said...

I agree totally. Thank you for the thoughts!