Thursday, September 1, 2011


I'm afraid THIS will be on my Christmas list if I don't get back into my exercise routine...


Lori said...

Just watched that video. Oh you have got to be kidding me! I know YOU were kidding, but would people really do that? Even if it did work, which I doubt, whatever happened to taking care of our bodies? That makes me want to go get on the elliptical and get the weights out! Although I did read that the elliptical is not nearly as good as running...May also be a good advertisement for the upcoming Made to Crave Bible study, ha!

Elizabeth Mullins said...

Oh my word! That is hilarious! P.S. I know you will get back into the swing of things soon! You are such a go getter!

Wa Wa Waughs said...

When do we get instant eye lift or tummy lift. Just waiting for those! Let me know.

dwa said...

gross Mom.

The 5 Arbuckle's said...

That cracks me up