Sunday, June 12, 2011


My DH's attempt at one of my favorites: a dark chocolate cake with ganache. Just FYI, UNSWEETENED chocolate is not the same as BITTERSWEET chocolate. It was inedible. Spit out in the sink gross. He did manage to scrape off the ganache and salvage the cake somewhat...
BIRTHDAY CAKE SUCCESS: My favorite dessert - 12 layer chocolate cake with ganache at El Chico! I know it comes from some food service, but I absolutely love it, and it's been my favorite for almost 10 years. I don't know what I'll do if they ever take it off the menu!!!


Michelle said...

At least he tried! Have you had the chocolate cake at Cheevers or Iron Starr? It's to die for!

Summer said...

I hope you had a wonderful, ganache filled day!

Wa Wa Waughs said...

I think it might be the same kind that Cheever's has!.

Alyssa said...

Happy dark chocolate birthday!

Lori said...

Nice try, brother-in-law!! :) I thought by "salvaged" you meant the next picture was it.....adding ice cream and chocolate syrup! Then realized as I read on that was the El Chico cake! El Chico has a good turtle cheesecake, too. Although nothing compares to Cheesecake Factory.

Lori said...

Yes, unsweetened chocolate doesn't work without sugar in the recipe. Not sure I've heard of bittersweet chocolate (unless it's the same as semisweet). Must be pretty gourmet! I think it's terrific that he tried to do that for you, kudos to him! And happy birthday to you!

OK Chick said...

I hope you had a great birthday yesterday!!!