Saturday, August 29, 2015


This is actually the title of one of my sister-in-law's talks from a women's retreat I went to long ago...and I haven't forgotten it!

I was reminded of this when we were in Denver recently and I wanted to get my new favorite donut from VooDoo,  the Mango Tango!  In the store they had made this special donut:

This is in honor of a special plant that recently bloomed at the Denver Botanical Garden! 

 The Corpse plant flower is HUGE, about 10 feet tall, and beautiful.  It's a rare one, only a few exist in the United States in special gardens.  Get this:  it only blooms about every 10 years!  But you can imagine what it smells like, with a name like "Corpse plant."  So interesting!  Something so big and beautiful with such a repulsive smell.  My sis-in-law's lesson reminded me that the aroma we give off should be pleasant and pleasing to God.  There is nothing more repulsive than a physically beautiful person that has a stinky attitude!  

If you're interested in this amazing plant, check out this video!


Lori said...

I love how you find a spiritual application in so many everyday life happenings!

Beth Brewer said...

I saw (smelled) one last year at the St Louis Botanical Gardens!

OK Chick said...

I didn't know there was a VooDoo in Denver.

Unknown said...

How neat that they made a donut in honor of that flower and that it reminded you of that talk :).