Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Last Prom for our baby, and yes, he wore the green suit again!  Great Grandmother had no idea when she made those graduation suits so long ago that the green one would really have a long life!

Then the OKC marathon the next day...after several rain delays and our patience wearing thin, we decided to just scrap it and go eat at a trendy new place, Waffle Champion (the kids idea, of course)!

It was DELICIOUS!  Later of course, they started the race and I felt bad that we broke our tradition of running the relay race, but they got our donation and we got the t-shirt!


OK Chick said...

The green suit is awesome!!!! I love it!
Waffle Champion is delicious. At least you missed the race for good food.

Michelle said...

We did that the last time we went to run the marathon while they had a rain delay, well we didn't go eat, but just left, 2011, when it was freezing. I felt a little lazy watching the start on tv, I told myself next year!

Summer Lashley said...

If I had known that at about 7:30 AM I would have joined you!

Wa Wa Waughs said...

We waited and ran in 2011, Michelle. It was brutal but we had good stories to tell. This time, the big kids won...