Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Today I was in the grocery store, in the soup aisle. Now when I'm shopping I am usually on a mission. I'm all about efficiency, getting my coupons together,etc. But I was taken aback when another woman about my age approached two men in blue in the same aisle. Don't know if they were firemen or policemen, but she said to them, "I just want to thank you for your work." She began to ask them where they were from and then offered to bring them some home-baked food sometime. One of them motioned to the soup, and said, "just picking up a little lunch, but that would be great!"

I smiled and fought back the tears. I'd already had a tearful morning (I have a senior in high school, remember!) and for some reason that just really touched me. I'm challenging myself and you to get over the shyness, never mind that you don't usually talk to strange men, and just go up and say the same thing.


Elizabeth Mullins said...

I just finished ONE TUESDAY MORNING a fictional story surrounding the events of 9-11 and I feel so compelled to tell them how much we appreciate their sacrifice! Good read by Karen Kingsbury!

Michelle said...

What a neat story! Thanks for sharing!

Lori said...

Neat story!

Janell said...

I appreciate this - my son-in-law is a firefighter. It's hard on the wives at home too - hard not to worry all the time about their safety.