I spent fall break in Denver with my girl and her fiancee! Did some wedding buying and planning and tried to appreciate all the beautiful fall colors too. Pretty busy but fun!
This is what you do when you live in the city - you park and walk a few blocks to the good restaurants because of parking issues. But it's a gorgeous walk. (Maybe that's why Coloradoans are the fittest people in the US?)

See what I mean? Beautiful!

Checked out the venue...
Spent some bucks...
and I made fast friends with the MOG since the kids were working and she had a car to drive me around!
We had a good time tasting food for wedding catering and did a little antique shopping!
This was my favorite time with my girl - just the two of us after a busy day - we were crafting and planting and she was grilling dinner. I think she'll miss this little house in this cute neighborhood! But she's excited to be starting a new life in a new neighborhood with her man!
My morning walk in Wash Park - how great is our God!!!