Saturday, January 5, 2013


We finally had our last family Christmas party today!  Not a lot of emphasis is placed on gifts due to the large numbers in my husband's family, but we enjoy getting together and exchanging our home-made gifts.  Here's the goodies we gave each other this year:  (l to r:  jar of chocolate dipped pretzels, pinecone door decoration, license plate dustpan, homemade pickles, clip picture frame, yo-yo ornament, whisk with candy, and a screen painted cross.  (I missed a couple but don't feel like redoing the pic) Always fun to see what people make and with Pinterest how can you not be able to do this?

This was our project this year!  I had seen these a long time ago and wanted to make them, but never found the license plates cheap enough.  Finally saw a bunch at Canton, TX, and they were $1 each.  Just couldn't pass them by...but my husband is ready for me to make homemade gifts that don't require so much of him...probably took us 5 hours total which is about 4 hours too much for him.  :)

Just had to prove I did do a little of the work...and yes, we worked in the kitchen instead of the cold garage.


Alyssa said...

Those are impressive dustpans!

Michelle said...

I love them! So cool!

Unknown said...

So excited about my new dustpan, but sorry it took so much time! It was great to get together. We played a new game that night: Tenzi. Have you played it?? It's a lot of fun!

Amy said...

What a great idea!! Impressed that you made so many.

The 5 Arbuckle's said...

Look at you with power tools. Go Robin!