I can't tell you how many spirals we have in this house!!! Many of them with lots and lots of good paper still left in them. Seems like the teachers want them for every subject. GRRR...and of course my kids want a brand new one when starting a new school year. (I think I just figured out another thing to do this summer; rip out all the good paper in the half-used spirals and put them into a 3 ring binder) But going thru my son's photos and mounds of precious school work for his senior night table, I came across this in a spiral. I think it was written in 4th-5th grade.
Definitely a treasure! I can't wait to see what I will find!
How neat! I'm glad you found this treasure :).
A few years ago, we were cleaning out my Grandma's house and found old letters my sisters and I had sent to my Grandma. She kept almost every letter. We sat for hours reading the letters. They were so funny!
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