Wow! What a trophy, huh? This was an "award" given to our senior for his participation in Leadership Training for Christ for 10 years. He started when he was a 3rd grader, and although he's grown considerably busier in the last few years, I'm pleased that he wanted to continue, even if in a small way. It was our church groups's 10th year to participate and he is the only student remaining that has done LTC for 10 years after starting that first year with a group of 32.
If you've never done LTC, let me tell you a little about it (and if you have, just skip to the bottom!) :
LTC is a program to encourage young people 3rd-12th grade to use their talents for the Lord. They can participate in many different events, from basic Bible reading and Song leading to interpreting scripture through Artwork and Photography. Conventions are held around the nation where kids and their families come to showcase their skills and be judged. This year my son tried something new by submitting a short film. The possibilities are endless!

My song leaders!

Many people don't do LTC with the reason being that it happens on Easter weekend. I totally understand that, however there are ways to still do Easter and LTC. We always chose to have "our Easter" the following Sunday. Which meant that my sister and her family could celebrate with her husband's family one weekend and ours the next. A few of those years we skipped the awards and drove to my husband's hometown to be with them on Easter.
There are pros and cons to every activity you choose for your family to participate in, but this is a neat one that the whole family can go to and participate in some way.
We develop their academic and sports skills with tests and tournaments, why not encourage faith building skills? As the kids grow older it might get harder to get them to do it, but getting a friend or two to participate in chorus or a puppet show with them helps. So does a special reward like a little side trip to the mall or Speed Zone!

We eat pretty well, too! Our leaders bring in mexican food from On The Border for a Saturday night fiesta!

The convention concludes on Sunday morning with a mega worship service in the hotel ballrooms. It's a real honor to be asked to participate in the service and it's always inspiring!
I really can't believe we've been doing this for 10 years. How the years fly by!!!