Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 Every couple of years we try to take our whole family (adult kids and spouses) on a trip together.  We all love to travel, so we don't have to twist their arms too hard to come!

My son who is recently a new father and I picked the location for this one - one where he and his family could drive their car with all the baby things and meet us.  We chose Canada!  They drove 6 hours to Spokane, Washington and the rest of us flew there to meet them.  The next morning we drove in a rental mini-van and their car to Golden, Canada, our base for the week.  We found a lovely 4 bedroom condo there at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort.  It was a great fit for us!

While there we took day trips out to different places, including Yoho and Banff National Parks.  We ate about half our meals in the condo and ate out too.  The kids found a coffee shop they loved in downtown Golden and we visited it several times.  We played games almost every night and worshipped together on Sunday.  It was sweet family time and the addition of our 1 year old granddaughter was fun for everyone!

A couple of things I spent a lot of time planning were the Via Ferrata and Lake Louise day.  I had learned about Via Ferratas in Europe last year and was disappointed they weren't open until June.  When I found out they had a couple near where we were staying, I was really excited!  Both days turned out to be lots of fun!

Here's a few pics from our time in Canada with the kids:

Wapta Falls in Yoho NP

                                                   With my DIL - notice what the sign says?
                                                            Loving the Via Ferrata!
Summit!!  After hiking down we ate at the highest restaurant in Canada (7700 ft), located right there beside us - Eagle's Eye restaurant in Kicking Horse Mountain Resort!
Beautiful waters of Lake Louise in Banff NP!

Just starting on the trail at the end of the lake...

2 hours later, we had made it to the Plain of Six Glaciers Teahouse!  We all got treats!
It was really steep and rocky the last 1/4 of a mile and I didn't know if I was going to have the energy for it, but the kids pushed me on and we made it!
Cooling off after the hike!

We did some other things but those were the biggies for me!  Being with the family was the best!

Activities we did:  Wapta Falls hike, Via Ferrata at Kicking Horse, Johnston Canyon hike, Banff Main Street, Art in Nature Walk at Banff, Lake Louise and the Plain of Six Glaciers hike, Golden Farmer's Market and shopping downtown, Golden Golf Club Miniature Golf, Whitewater rafting, and Thompson's Falls.  In Spokane we also saw the Urban waterfalls downtown.  

Restaurants we visited:  Good Grief, Idaho restaurant, Red Tomatoe Pies (takeout in Golden), Ethos Coffee shop in Golden, Eagle's Eye at Kicking Horse, Truffle Pig in Field, Reposados and Wolf's Den in Golden.  We also ate at Steamplant in downtown Spokane.  

Till the next time...

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