Tuesday, January 22, 2019


So I'm into week 4 this year of memorizing one scripture a week!  Maybe it's NBD to you, but honestly, it's been a while for me since I've made an effort to memorize something.  It's been a good challenge and I'm definitely feeling that my mind has been focused on the good things found in Philippians 4:8!

Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think on these things.  Philippians 4:8

BOOM!  Did that from memory!  Sorry, but it's okay to boast in the Lord, right?  ðŸ˜ƒ

I just wanted to share a few ways I'm trying to make this more a part of my everyday life:

  •   Writing the scripture of the week in my planner each day 
  •   Posting the scripture on the refrigerator (My refrigerator does not have anything else on it)
  •  Writing it on a sticky note and placing it in the car next to the radio
  •   Asking The Hubs at dinner time if he's learned the scripture, and reciting it
  •  Changing my computer desktop photo to one with the scripture on it  
  •  Writing additional thoughts on the scripture's meaning in my daily planner
  •  Doing some Bible Journaling about the scripture
  •  Sharing the scripture on Instagram

I'm still learning new ways to incorporate it into my life.  It's funny how I will catch a glimpse of the scripture on the fridge or in the car, then challenge myself to say it without looking.  Filling up my thoughts with God's Word is excellent!

Thursday, January 10, 2019


When the New Year rolls around I always have a resolution in mind.  In my last post I shared with you my plan to memorize 52 scriptures this year.  I'm doing great so far!  ðŸ˜€

I have some other goals that I've been thinking about for a while.  Since I'm now a true empty nester, I don't want to get lazy with my new-found time.  I want to finish some things that I've started the last few years and enrich some areas I feel I've neglected.  I have to confess that I kind of overwhelmed myself reading and listening to podcasts lately.  All of these people are rock stars with goal setting and just generally being awesome.  I've discovered Rachel Hollis, the author of Girl, Wash Your Face and the "Let's Rise" podcast.  Alison on "The Alison Show" cracks me up and inspires me, and I downloaded her Best Year Yet worksheets.  Then there's a new book by Grace Valentine, Am I Enough? that I'm into as well.  Holley Gerth just started a new podcast too, so I've got to check that out.  Of course all of these are on social media and filling up my feed.   I felt like I was getting so much good advice and ideas I was on overload!!!

I realized I need to do the KISS* method and only occasionally listen and read from these talented ladies.  God's Word is the most important book of life and I need to exercise some discipline in this area or I will go crazy! As I was walking today, I came up with the three things that matter most to me.  Here's my personal goals for 2019:





CARE For me this means to nurture more relationships outside my family.  I've had this feeling for a while that I need to get outside my comfort zone (my home) and take walks, go for coffee, make a phone call or go to lunch with others to encourage them.  I prefer to do more passive things like send notes or email, so this is definitely the most challenging goal I have.

DECLUTTER This is still a biggie for me even though I've been trying for a few years!  Now that the last child is married, all the wedding gifts are out of the house, and no more junk coming in, I should really be able to go through each room thoroughly.  I'm really interested in a simpler life but this has been dragging me down and this change in life has me ready for action!  The attic, storage closet, and scrapbooking rooms will be a big challenge.  I'm leaving the garage to The Hubs.

CREATE Crafting is something I love to do, whether it's a scrapbook page, working on a women's ministry project, or making the home-made Christmas gifts we exchange with the family. Researching online for women's ministry is another way I get ideas and feel creative.   I love it all and sometimes feel bad about doing this when there's chores to be done.  I am giving myself permission to enjoy this time without guilt. Everybody needs a little down-time, right?

I've looked at my current activities and decided to spend an hour each week on each thing.  I'm writing the words CARE, DECLUTTER, CREATE daily in my planner to keep them fresh in mind.  I'm hoping once I get into it, the time will grow and I will be able to spend more than that, but for now, incorporating 3 hours a week caring, decluttering, and creating are what I'm striving for.   

So, if you're an empty nester, what advice do you have? 
 Have you tried to get some things done like this?

*Keep it simple, stupid 

Friday, January 4, 2019


My WORD for the year is not really one word this time.  It's a scripture.  Last fall I came across a verse that I have loved since I was a teenager.  I have a memory of a workshop at church where we color-coded our Bible with colored markers, and the instructors taught us a song from Psalm 19.  The song is called, "More to be desired are they than gold," and I found this version on youtube (a little slower than I remember).  I have always remembered the verse just because of that song!  I kept thinking about it and how it expressed something that would be a good goal for me to work on for the new year.


My focus is primarily on the meditation of my heart, although my mouth can use some work, too!  Thank God for his AMAZING GRACE!  One way I plan to focus on this scripture this year is to meditate on His Word by memorizing 52 scriptures, one for each week.  I'm writing the chosen verse each day in my planner.  I asked The Hubs to join me in this! I got prepared by writing 52 verses on index cards.   Also, I may blog more about the scriptures and do some artwork.  Regarding the "words of my mouth," I plan to read a book that has proven to be a popular Bible study for the women of our church this last year, called Keep It Shut.  I'm cutting down my Facebook time to 10 minutes each morning and evening, although I will say it's hard when you are out in public, waiting for something and you have nothing to do.  It seems harmless to go there on your phone.  So I'm trying to figure out exactly what my resolution looks like in different circumstances.  Maybe I can use that time to look at the Bible app on my phone?

Let me know if you have any great ideas!  Do you have a WORD or a goal you are planning to pursue this year?