My attempts to be mother-of-the-year have been futile! My son recently burst that bubble...
Every Halloween my mother has a tradition of making chili and getting visits from the family. Since all of her grandchildren are now past the trick-or-treating age, the chili dinner is quite popular! So my son brought a friend with him to her house and they proceeded to carve pumpkins...and he actually said to me, "This is like only the second time I've ever carved a pumpkin..." and I said, "WHAT??? I have carved pumpkins with you every Halloween since you were born!" Well maybe minus the last few years (the disinterested middle school years)...

My son's memory of pumpkin carving was off, but it made me sad. I have tried to give my kids every wonderful holiday experience there is...and for what??? It also made me think how many things my husband and I have done with our kids to make them well rounded. We've traveled all over the United States to promote learning, along with family togetherness. Enrolled them in sports - some they were successful in, some not. We encouraged them in the arts by making sure they took different kinds of music lessons. Every summer we paid for special camps and classes to enrich them. We opened our home to their friends so that we could oversee their activities. We loved them, disciplined them, provided routine and security.
But still there are gaps. There is no perfect parent. I come to the conclusion that the best thing I did do for them was to try to "bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord"- that's Ephesians 6:4, the old KJV. Modeling Christ in my everyday life is what they will really remember! Seeing my reactions to circumstances, other people, and watching how I serve. Did we set aside time to worship, read the Bible, and pray? All those years of child-rearing - did I really serve Christ or myself? I don't know what all they'll remember but I hope it is that their parents were followers of Christ.
Suddenly it doesn't matter so much to me if my son remembers all those times I carved pumpkins with him...