Monday, October 28, 2013


Well Peter Pan is over at the high school and it was a good one!  My son ended up on stage more than I thought!  He "flew" Peter Pan from backstage, which was no small thing, but he also got to appear several times on stage as one of Captain Hook's pirates.  Lots of fun!

For the first time, probably since he's a senior this year, we hosted the cast in the "after party."  (This is the party after the party at the school)n It begins about 2 a.m. and thankfully they bring all the leftover pizza and goodies so I didn't really need to do anything with that.  I just had to make my presence known from about 2 a.m. - 5 a.m. by walking through the kitchen and living room. Yeah, if you know me, I'm not a night owl.  But with some sugar and the help of Pinterest, I was able to stay up and complete my mission.  After that the hubs got up and checked on them and made a donut run.  So everything worked out.  I figure since he's a senior this has got to be one of the first and last times I'll ever be doing this....Phew!

 You know they love moms who take pictures like this...


Michelle said...

That's a dedicated mom! The nice thing I bet is that since they are at your house maybe you don't worry about what's going on as much?!?

Lori said...

You're a brave woman! And this is just one more example of how you show God's love to all those schoolchildren who may or may not be feeling it in other facets of their lives...

Unknown said...

That's fun! Thankfully no more all-nighters!! Great memories for that cast.

The 5 Arbuckle's said...

Will was going to come but came home at 2 because he was to tired. I appreciate your willingness to host.