and I wouldn't have it any other way!
Saturday was spent going to 2 wonderful concerts that our kids were blessed to be a part of -
All State and the Christian College Choral Festival.
We started off with our youngest after he spent 2 intensive days of practice with other kids from around the state for OCDA, or Jr. High All-State Vocal Music. They performed some beautiful music, along with the High School All-State Jazz Choir and Jr. High All-State Treble Choir (all girls). It's a lot of hard work, but also a lot of fun, since these kids get excused from school for 2 days to participate. They also get to do other fun things, like shop at Penn Square and do the conga through the Abercrombie & Fitch store...which he said was only natural with the loud music, but the store manager asked them to leave after the conga line reached 22 people. Ahhh...teenage memories!

Our youngest with his 3 yr. All-State medal - this means he made the choir in 7th, 8th, and 9th grades- SWEET!

Nice that his older brother and sister were here to attend!

Gram was there too!
Then we went home for a brief respite from all the hullabaloo of song descriptions, recognitions, and medals to take a 2 hour break before heading to the next event. At OC, our local Christian college, a Christian College Choral Festival was held, and 6 college choruses performed individually, then collectively as a group. Another awesome concert, and I really did believe it was probably the most beautiful music I'll ever get to hear this side of HEAVEN!

My daughter and her roommate who stayed in our home this weekend preparing to go to the Christian College Choral Festival

300+ college kids fill Hardeman auditorium's stage for the final songs!