says the Lord...(Jeremiah 29:11) Maybe your summer went really well. You got some things accomplished or you had some fun with your kids, or you got to go on vacation. Maybe you didn't. My job as a Mom has been SUMMER PLANNER for as long as I can remember. I had some great plans for my kids this summer, and most of them failed. I was disappointed. Nothing really terrible happened, it was just that my plans were not God's. I let Him know about it, too. Other people knew about it. Then it finally hit me. I could gripe about it all summer, or just accept it. I cannot really control my children's activities and choices any more. They are grown up people (almost!). I have to tell you that I've struggled with the issue of making my kids work or making school their work as they grow older. Is summer a time to offer them enrichment or work experience? But that's a subject for another blog....So I'm still not sure what I've learned yet, but maybe it was just the simple lesson that I'm not in control of everything. A good lesson to learn - AGAIN.
My plan: For my 19 yr. old to WORK, to earn $ for her semester abroad next summer.
God's plan: She babysat for a few families, and did a LOT of hanging around the house.
Lessons learned: She got some life skills and great chillin time with our family. I realized I should enjoy it. She's going to be gone all next summer!!!
My plan: For my 17 yr. old to get some REAL WORK EXPERIENCE, because the last couple of summers he's spent at Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute and volunteering a little at Fine Arts Institute.
God's plan: He got caught throwing biscuit dough at cars with his buddies, went to Juvenile Court. He didn't get a job, so he took Government class in June (his idea) so he could fit Drama class in his schedule in the fall. He volunteered again at FAI and produced a neat video that is featured on their website.
Lessons learned: He learned a LOT from the court experience - thank goodness he was a juvenile! Never again, hopefully. So he took Government class, which actually cost us $$, but at least he wasn't playing video games all day. We told him if he couldn't find a paying job, he would do a volunteer job. They love him at FAI!
My plan: For my 13 yr. old to enjoy the summer. Be our #1 pool boy and lawn mower. Take a speedreading class to improve in reading.
God's plan: He did enjoy the summer, although he broke his left arm. It didn't handicap him though. He was able to care for the lawn and the pool. He did take the speed reading class and did well. Only to be told in September he was going to be put in a special class based on his April OCCT reading score!
Lessons learned: We learned how to use a Dry-Pro cast cover. Maybe he still needs to work on his reading skills...
My kids look at my blog, so I have to conclude with how much I LOVE them and want only the best for them. Somebody once said BEING A MOTHER IS THE TOUGHEST JOB YOU'LL EVER LOVE. They were right!