Couldn't help it! So many fun puns for the state of Maine! We got to visit recently and spend some time in Acadia National Park and the resort town of Bar Harbor with friends. After that, The Hubs and I wanted to get away from the crowds and we went to the easternmost point of the United States - Lubec, Maine! Here's some of the highlights:
In Bangor - the Stephen King house
Bucksport - Storybook walk
Penobscot bridge and observation tower
The only bridge in the US with an observation tower!
Fort Knox - not the one where they keep the gold
We saw this everywhere and found out it is Rosehips!
Rosehips blooms too!
Lots of places decorated with buoys from boats
In Acadia this Thunder Hole is popular because it makes a loud boom when the water rushes in.
Hiking one of many trails in Acadia
It's a big deal to see the sunrise on Cadillac Mountain in Acadia.
Unfortunately it was super foggy the day we went!
Trail pic
Walking across to Bar Island - when the tide is low, you can literally walk across!
Best ice cream in town!
Our friend B got to hold a 4.5 lb. lobster at dinner!
Needhams are a candy made in Maine from potatoes, coconut, and chocolate and are delicious!
We saw Bass headlight - the only one on the island.
Lots of gorgeous flowers!
Fun at the ice cream shop
We biked the Carriage roads in Acadia - pictured is one of many rock bridges
provided by John Rockefeller.
The Hubs and I got up early to avoid the crowds and hiked the Beehive trail - a little scary!
Lubec is a tiny town but it's claim to fame is that it is the most eastern town in the USA!
We had the best view from our room at Water St. Inn!
If you walk out onto the seawall you will see this international boundary marker. So close to Canada! But we couldn't go across due to Covid restrictions.
Next time hopefully - to visit Campobello Island the FDR home.
I enjoyed walking out on the sea wall and just sitting on the rocks.
Quoddy Head lighthouse is about 10 minutes away and it is the only candy-striped lighthouse
and also the easternmost.

We hiked early two mornings and saw so many beautiful mushrooms!
Drove over to Eastport Maine and saw this guy.
Wanted to visit the mustard mill but it was being renovated - so we just stopped at their shop to buy some different flavored mustards.
Back in Lubec - so cute!
Last evening there - absolutely breathtaking sunset!
Last morning hike - found some blueberries!
We wore our mosquito nets on that hike.
Hiked out to Morton's rock!
Looking over to Canada!
I loved our time and my favorite place was definitely the little town of Lubec. I'm just not into the crowds. The most unique thing we did while in Lubec was to go to a church singing. They had a sign out that advertised it and it also said "all are welcome." So we went and had a great time, singing some old favorites! We talked to several locals as a result of that. They were so friendly. We also loved Monica's chocolates, which I have no pictures of - but she is famous for her products in Maine and we can vouch for her delicious hot chocolate!