It occurred to me while recently working with my son on a trench leading to where their tiny house will be, that LIFE IS LIKE A TRENCH! Sometimes it's clear cut and easy for a while. Other times you get hung up on a root. Sometimes storms come along and fill your trench with water and mud and you have to re-dig! Thankfully, we have our family and friends to come along beside us and help us out!
How's your trench right now? Easy? If it is, God calls us to help our brothers and sisters! Are you hung up on a root? Talk to someone and ask them to help you. Maybe you need a counselor. Has a storm muddied things up? Get out that pump and try to do something to clean it out. Find someone you can confide in and take a step towards a clean path.
This verse in Galatians speaks plainly about what believers should do: Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to the family of faith. Gal. 6: 9-10.

So thankful for these guys who aren't afraid of hard work and are such sweet brothers in Christ to my son and his Tiny House Project!