This is a notebook I've kept the last four years to help me with my goals. I still love the title and scripture.
It took a few snow days for me to finally get it together and think about what my resolutions, goals, priorities, whatever you want to call them, should be this year. Yes, it took a while, but for some reason I can't think very well with my busy life and kids and husband around. The teen sleeping till noon and a husband out of town gave me that opportunity. And here they are:
LOVE AND LOSESpecifically, Love Jesus more and Lose 10 lbs. Of course I can't accomplish those things without a plan. Anyone who's read my blog before or know me knows I like structure. So what exactly does a "loving Jesus more plan" look like? I consider myself a doer of good works, faith that shows outwardly, but increasingly I want to work on myself internally. Here's my attempt:
Loving Jesus More plan:1. Continue to pray with my early morning routine.
2. Post monthly memory verse from church in my kitchen to dwell on.
3. Continue Bible study with CWBS.
4. Collect scriptures, articles, anything that inspires me in my notebook to read from time to time.
5. Blog monthly about Love, Joy, etc., using scriptures or thoughts I have written in my notebook.
My lose 10 lbs. plan has several components to it as well. Nothing new from what has helped me in the past really, it's just being motivated to do it! I lost 20 lbs. about 8 years ago, and it has creeped back on. So I'm hoping what I did back then will help me now.
Lose 10 lbs. plan:1. Weigh daily as a reminder. Post on my bathroom mirror once weekly.
2. Continue exercising 5 x a week. I have upped my time to 45 minutes from 30, a small change.
3. Eat a lowfat diet (30g of fat daily). I have discovered
Erin Baker's Organic Brownie Bites to help me!
4. Reward myself with one splurge meal a week.
5. Collect new recipes, tips and tricks in my notebook to inspire me.
After seeing a recent picture of myself and my lovely new double chin that has formed, I think I have the motivation! I do have a reward in place though. Spa pedicures are a splurge for me. I'm talking the hour long ones at Cottonwood Spa or Spring Creek Spa. So, I'm promising myself one of those after a 5 lb. weight loss. And after the 10lb.s are off, it'll be a whole day of spa treatments! Maybe 5 lbs. doesn't seem like much to you, but it just seems harder as I get older. You know, the whole slowing of metabolism thing. And I'm going to try not to blame lack of progress on that...
So there they are. I don't usually blog much about my inner thoughts or feelings, just life here at my house. But I'm just putting it out there to help myself in my commitment. Ask me how I'm doing in 6 weeks...
P.S. I also have a list of 6 projects I want to accomplish this year. Sometimes they involve my kids or some kind of home improvement. I didn't go into that, but I look at it from time to time to remind me to get started on whatever it is, and I usually get most of these done.
P.P.S. I would love to hear about how you stay motivated or what your tips are to accomplishing your goals!