One of our ministers recently quoted from this book in a sermon recently. This is a quick read, and really hits home for me. The Land Between is about life and transitions. It takes you back to Old Testament times and how Abraham and the Israelites reacted to their time in the "land between" and helps us focus on how we've reacted in our lives and can prepare for the difficult transitions. "The land we least desire may produce the fruit we most desire-if we will let it, if we can turn toward God with open hearts as Moses did rather than turn away from God in bitterness as the Israelites did."
I've been interested in this for several years, since my first born left for college - even thought about renaming my blog, since I technically only have one teen left at home now. I've thought about calling it "Transitions" as we are all really in that state. We'll see. For now, check this book out! You'll thank me.
I am going to have to check that book out! Our "transitions" or phases that we are going through seem to happen so fast and yet we feel so inadequate preparing for them. This should definitely give us some more insight!
Me too! I'm going to check it out.
I went to Starbucks this AM, and your husband was in there. He was in running clothes. I'm concerned. Did he run outside? It's too cold.
No, he went to the OC gym and did the treadmill, I think, because he did say it was too cold out there!
I'll add that to my list. Right now I am reading Beth Moore's, So Long Insecurity for Wed. night class.
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