Well as you probably know the temperature in Colorado is really pleasant in the mountains near Salida! My daughter has escaped the Oklahoma heat this summer but it isn't all "Rocky Mountain High" moments. She has been learning so much as a trek guide.
She has learned in just a few short weeks how to be a more compassionate person. When there are people that don't even belong on a mountain (300 lb. sponsor who just got over mono- can you believe he would even attempt it?) much less summiting a "fourteener" you have to be kind and compassionate even if he challenges you.
She is learning how to trust God in scary situations (realizing you are a half mile from where you are supposed to be, no food and water, dark clouds rolling in, and the experienced guide back in high camp since he got sick). I can't give this story justice - you'll just have to ask her to tell it!
She is learning to be an encourager (to a whiny 17 yr old girl who she literally pushed up the mountain - why do these people sign up for trek?).
I'm really proud of her even though some of her stories are scaring me to death! Saturday phone calls from her are the highlight of our week, lately!
Oh my goodness!! I will ask her about it. When is she coming home?
I'm sure she is great at this job - both physically and also emotionally for others as their encourager. The spiritual blessings for her will be with her forever.
Some of this stuff she could never learn at a 9-5 job. I probably would have left the whiny 17 year old at the bottom and not dealt with her.
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