Friday, October 7, 2016


Sorry to borrow the cheesy country song title, but it just fit the evening last night.

With 24 hours till the the wedding frenzy of the rehearsal dinner here in the backyard, praying the rain stays away, making sure every detail inside and out is taken care of, the desserts are all made (7 of them), the making of bouquets for the wedding is beginning.  My kitchen is a wreck with dirty dishes and buckets of fresh flowers on the floor, rehearsal dinner decor overfloweth on the dining room table.

My handsome son, the groom-to-be, comes in, decides he better eat something and makes what he calls his "last meal to make in this house," a quesadilla, of course!  So sentimental.  And he asks me to dance.  What, with all this mess around me?  YES.  So we did!  We danced in the kitchen.

Just wanted to document this moment in the midst of all the stress (which I know, I put on myself by wanting to host and bake and be their florist!).

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