Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Without hesitation, of course!  This young man and two others from HU recently stayed at our house on the way to Colorado for Thanksgiving break.  When we were outside making S'mores, his marshmellow was on fire and he promptly ate it!  I about freaked out.  When I asked him how he did that, he said he had been doing it a long time.  One of the other boys asked his secret, and he said, and I quote, "DO NOT HESITATE."  That was it.  Then I expressed my disappointment at not getting a picture and he said for me to go get my camera.  So he ate a total of 3 flaming marshmellows that night!

Here's all 3 of them acting half-way normal...
They are friends of our daughter from HU and International students.  Let me just say that my daughter has some interesting friends.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and a word of caution:  DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME.  Or anywhere else, for that matter.


The 5 Arbuckle's said...

I would have freaked out about anyone eating a flaming mallow too.

Summer said...

is that seriously fire glowing through his face???

Alyssa said...

Oh. My.

Wa Wa Waughs said...

yes, that is how the picture came out. He put it in his mouth on fire and smoke came out his nose!