Saturday, November 9, 2019


Every once in a while, I think we all need a little time off-grid.  Not off the map, but just away from your responsibilities and a chance to do some unplanned things.  The (mostly) unplanned road trip to Maine was something fun and different and just a little bit crazy for us! It came at a time when The Hubs had been laid off from his job for a couple of months and seeking new opportunities. It came at a time when I had been heavily into women's retreat planning, and everything else was taking a back seat.  The Hubs declared we were going on a road trip when one of his work friends invited us to come to Maine.  
Oddly enough, we ended up with quite an itinerary when The Hubs decided we should touch base with 2 other business friends, one in Toronto, Canada, and one in Buffalo, NY.  Then our son won a film challenge contest and his film was going to be shown at ADFF (architecture and design film festival) in NYC.  So we realized we could be there for that!  Anyway, those things had us all over the place!  To save $ we decided to only stay in hotels where we could use points.  Worked out pretty well; we only paid for 2 nights of a 2 week trip!  Here's a few of our stops:

Casey, Illinois - little town with the world's largest things!  Behind us is the WL wind chime.

 Here's the WL rocking chair and the WL teeter-totter!

Niagara Falls at night

Rainy morning at Niagara Falls
Toronto, Canada and St. Lawrence Market

Hiking to Albion Falls in Hamilton, Canada

Pennsylvania Grand Canyon

NYC - we discovered Starbucks Reserve Roastery!

NYC - Hudson Yards - walking sculpture - last time we were here this was unfinished, so it was neat to see it completed.

NYC - meeting up with our son and his wife at the ADFF!  
So cool seeing his work on the big screen!

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