Friday, October 16, 2015


The piece of paper on my bathroom mirror since the first of the year is looking worn and weathered from the humidity.I intended to look at it daily.  I intended to record my monthly weight on it.  I have not looked at it daily, nor recorded my weight!  But I have looked at it occasionally, thinking "what was I wanting to improve this year?  What were my resolutions?"

Be present
Really worship
Appreciate all I've been given

As I looked them over I realized they were all very similar.  All of them have to do with being "in the moment,"  a phrase I have loved the last couple of years.  I love to use it on my husband and other family members as a reminder to quit looking at their phone or just join the family mentally for the short times that we are together.

It's easy to tell others to be present, of course.  But it's hard to see it in ourselves.  We can never see the log in our own eye! (Matthew 7:3-5)

As I re-read the goals I had written, I realized there were no real ways to measure whether or not I am keeping these resolutions.

But I did realize one thing.  A phrase popped up in my mind:


Every little moment you spend visiting with someone is building a connection.  Every little moment you are appreciating what you've been given is momentous.  Each time you do an act of service is a moment that changes you.  Every moment, every real moment you 'let go and let God' is a holy moment.  It reminds me of James 4:14:  Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

Life is a series of moments.  A series of little things.  Momentous things are big and important.  But all those little moments add up to something momentous.  How are you spending your moments?  Are you connecting the dots?  Are they leading to something momentous?

Maybe you know you're getting old when you think more about moments...thanks for listening to my thoughts today, friends.  Thanks for spending a moment with me.  :)

1 comment:

Mark Brewer said...

Yes. Moments are huge. They are too easy to miss when looking down at a screen or busy with things that are not important. Thanks for the reminder and blessings to you and yours.