Friday, February 3, 2012


or just smart moves?  Or if we are walking with God on a daily basis are all our decisions spirit led?  Don't really know, but I like to think that the time we've taken recently has allowed the spirit to guide us.  My husband has been wanting to "flip" a house for a while now.  A new venture, something to help fund the next kid's college, a way to help our son learn some new skills, etc are the reasons behind this.  He's bid on about 10 houses now, always a lowball bid, never getting a sale.  I asked him if he thought the Lord was telling him something.  :)  Then we got acceptance on an offer from a realtor.  Right in our neighborhood!  How convenient.  I was being supportive, actually touring the house with the boys, looking at the new "project."  Would you believe I started thinking about how my furniture would look in this house, liking several of the features?  Hmmm...
                This fireplace and high ceilings in the great room really appealed to me!
                                          This mess, however, did not.

It would be downsizing - less house and property maintenance for sure, once the cleanup and remodel was finished.  Anyway, the bank took longer than our agreement to accept our offer, and we had time to think about what all needed to be done.  We had time to think it over, and pray about it.  Should we flip, or downsize and move in ourselves?  Our decision was none of the above - too much work involved, too much energy required right now.  But it gave us some good food for thought about what we want to do in the future! We are thankful that all of our kids were okay with the possibility. We would love less to maintain and more to give.  We are now open to downsizing in the next few years and the right deal will come along.  We are trusting that decision to God.


Alyssa said...

That is a great story! And I love that rock fireplace too!

OK Chick said...

I like the fireplace too.

Yes, when it's time God will make it happen.

Amy said...

There is something very wise in waiting on God to move you. Loved the house and it sure had possibilities! What fun ahead to see what house comes up! Blessings.