Thursday, January 19, 2012


It's going on about 5 months now for me as a small group leader of high school girls on Sunday mornings.  The lesson Sunday was about community prayer.  We discussed Acts 2:41-44 and Matthew 18:19-20.  One of the suggested activities from the youth minister was a chain prayer of thanks.  I have been uplifted and blessed by prayer in small groups with women and was anxious to do this with the girls!   I did tell them it was not required for them to say anything during the prayer if they were uncomfortable.  I explained it was to be a spontaneous prayer of thanksgiving in which I would start the prayer and they could say any thankgiving they wanted to during the quiet time.  Only 3 of 7 girls said anything during the prayer time.  Later I was thinking about it and began to feel unsuccessful, questioning my teaching and wondered if I am doing any good at all!

Then I flashed back to 1990, a time when I was a "Big Sister" to a middle schooler without a mother.  Every Wednesday for about 5 years I would wake up my napping children and go pick her up from school.  We spent time together, cooked dinner together, went to church, then took her home after that.  Sometimes it felt awkward.  Unnatural.  Unfruitful.  A beautiful Christian woman who was a neighbor to this teenager gave me some great advice when I talked to her about it.  She told me, "Satan wants you to feel that way.  You keep doing what you are doing.  Teenagers don't always respond the way you want them to."  She was exactly right.

Whatever my group got out of our lesson Sunday morning, I cannot be discouraged - that's what Satan wants!  Sunday was a great introduction to group prayer of spontaneous thanks for the girls.  It was an attempt to build community and caring among young women that believe.  It was a little seed planted in their hearts and minds.  I'm reminded that is what I'm here to do - plant seeds.

This little LIGHT of mine, I'm gonna let it SHINE!


Michelle said...

I think women/girls can be uncomfortable praying because growing up COC it was a "man's job" once you hit a certain point. I think it gets easier to pray together when you're older, 20-30's. Even though it's a small group of teenage girls, they probably don't want to be judged by the other girls in the group. Which is sad, but I think it is very true.

Lori said...

Amen! Satan does want us to be discouraged! Way to press on :).

Lori said...

I agree, don't give up! Maybe the next time you try, more will participate. If we encourage our young girls to pray, then maybe it will be more natural even when they are teens or older. It's hard to start anything uncomfortable when you are teen, but bravo to you for trying! You know the blessing of praying in a group, and I'm glad you are sharing it with them.

Karla said...

Here are a few tips that I have found to work pretty well over the years of praying with women - young and old. Before you begin...have everyone write down two or three things that they will want to pray about. They won't have to speak outloud but at least they will have thought of something they will want to pray about if they choose to speak. Then, designate at least the first two or three people to pray...that helps get it going. You open the prayer and the first two people to speak already know who they are...that helps it to start with a bang and eliminates that long awkward silence at the beginning. And, like other people have said, keep at it. They will get more comfortable as they go. Thank you for helping these young Christian women learn this very valuable skill that can tie them to the Father.

OK Chick said...

I've been meaning to tell you...I'm helping with small groups now. I'll look for you Sunday. I'm really excited to be back with the Youth Group.

The 5 Arbuckle's said...

Good to know. Jemma and I have been bringing a girl home from the apartments on Wed. night feed her supper and take her to church. Jemma has ballet during this time, so I'm alone with her a lot. It is ackward sometimes and I don't always have something to say, but hopefully she is seeing God in me.