So besides feeding 85 kids in the musical at the high school every night this week, I had the big LAST BIBLE STUDY OF THE YEAR LUNCHEON. I really enjoy my group, we've been studying the book of Luke since last September. But when I asked for someone to decorate the table for the luncheon, nobody really jumped at the chance to do it. So there you have it. I DID IT. I DID IT MY WAY. Hmmm...sounds like a song. Of course I spent hours on the internet looking for cool ideas, which there are none. Because I wanted to do something with NEWSPAPER, in keeping with our theme "Good News of Great Joy." So I've sweated over this the last few weeks. Here is the fruit of my sweat:
Here's some other cute ideas from the luncheon, for you centerpiece junkies:
One member of this group crocheted potholders for everyone.
Classic Christian
City of Jerusalem
Wow! Color-ful!!! I think the tablecloth was actually puzzle-piece fabric and everyone got a little puzzle cross made of fun foam.
Exotic colors and shapes - I always like the use of burlap!
The Food Drive table - they had canned food from their group in the middle of the table to donate to make the rest of us feel bad for making ours pretty...
Seriously...that is fantastic!!! Love it!! You are so creative and you produce good fruits...even if you place the stress on yourself. Well done!
That is amazing! No wonder no one else volunteered...they probably knew you could come up with something like that!
I always loved sneaking in and seeing what every one did to decorate their tables when I taught SSS.
It turned out great!! Everything was beautiful and such a great service.
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