Saturday, February 27, 2010


As if my senior son wasn't busy enough, he continues to want to do Leadership Training for Christ each year. In fact, he's done this every spring for 10 years now! It is a program that encourages those as young as 3rd grade up through highschool to develop their talents to glorify the Lord and further His kingdom. It is not a popular choice for 12th graders. Many have jobs and are quite frankly, "done" with all that stuff. So whether he does it for the trip to Dallas, or for the candy rewards from the directors...I don't care. The leaders of tomorrow's church are benefiting greatly.

Enjoy this video he just submitted in the LTC category, Short Film!


Elizabeth Mullins said...

Awesome! I had tears in my eyes while watching this...It is evident who is the "rock" in your family! Thank you for your example and for teaching your children how to share God's word so willing & proudly! Love it!

The Lj's said...

Awesome! Great job!

Alyssa said...

Excellent! I am so glad he still participates as a senior!! I hope my kids do too.