The birthday boy had gotten a rebuilt Jeep from his parents and drove it over here yesterday. Would you believe it wouldn't start when they wanted to go somewhere? So his Dad and my DH worked on it for a while, while my son stressed out about leaving since the girls would soon be arriving to decorate for the surprise party!!
Finally they left in my son's car, and the girls came over and started the decorating! Cracked me up, they totally put streamers and balloons all over the kitchen - things I probably would never do, but it was cute and they were excited.
My son and his friend made another one of those awesome ICE CREAM CAKES! This time they used a white cake mix with BEN & JERRY'S CINNAMON BUNS ice cream and frosted it with Betty Crocker Vanilla frosting. Again, it was delicious. Tasted like a cinnamon roll. I think they've got something going with this recipe!!!